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Active Citizenship

Approved projects within the Active Citizenship Programme

National Projects


National Projects. 14 projects

  • Asociación Salud y Familia. Equal Citizenship: Time and opportunities for reciprocity and equality (Time Banks).
  • Confederación ASPACE. Self-determination of people with cerebral palsy.
  • Institut de Drets Humans de Catalunya. Online project against xenophobia and intolerance (PROXI).
  • Asociación de Investigación y Especialización sobre Temas Iberoamericanos (AIETI). Strengthening Lationamerican and Caribean women network in Spain in order to foster Active Citizenship of inmigrants.
  • Fundación Salvador Soler Mundo Justo. Innovating in the fight against poverty: advocacy, transparency and research.
  • Federación Estatal de Lesbianas, Gays, Transexuales y Bisexuales (FELGTB). Network against hate. (Spain, Iceland and Norway)
  • Interarts. Mobilize for an improved equity in the access and development of the sexual and reproductive rights in Spain.
  • Fundación Red de Apoyo a la Integración Sociolaboral. Intersectoral Network of observation and analysis of the hate crimes against homeless people.
  • Coordinadora estatal de VIH-SIDA (CESIDA). Strengthening training of State NGO Coordinator for HIV and AIDS.
  • Confederación Centros Juveniles Don Bosco de España. ACKNOWLEDGE: National Network of Organizations for recognition of competences and skills gained through voluntary action.
  • Fundación Ecología y Desarrollo. Sustainability network of Third Sector organizations.
  • Asociación Provivienda. InnovaciONG
  • Fundación Tomillo. Share groups: intersectoral social alliance model.
  • Asociación Jovesolides. CreActiva: National Network of Organizations for recognition of competences and skills gained through voluntary action.

Regional Projects

Galicia Vasco Navarra Cataluna Madrid Valenciana

Galicia. 2 projects

  • Emaus Fundación Social. Project Inclusion: Innovation for social inclusion.
  • Instituto Gallego de Gestión para el Tercer Sector (IGAXES3). Analysis, evaluation and improvement of the intervention processes of youth in risk emancipation. (Galicia, Islas Baleares, Madrid and Cataluña).

País Vasco. 2 projects

  • Mugarik Gabe. NGO network to defend women rights and denounce violence against women. (País Vasco, Madrid, Andalucía).
  • Emaus Fundación Social. Project Inclusion: Innovation for social inclusion.

Cataluña. 4 projects

  • SETEM Catalunya. Maping: Participatory cartography of cooperative economy in Catalonia.
  • Comisión Catalana Ayuda al Refugiado. Network to defend the right of asylum and the rights of refugees by the joining of forces of social Action and Human Rights NGOs in Catalonia.
  • Fundació Solidaritat UB. Defending the defenders (DfD): Strengthening the action, coordination and communication capacities of Human Rights organizations in order to ensure human rights and security protection in Spain. (Cataluña, País Vasco, Andalucía and Madrid)
  • Observatori DESC. Strengthening the Spanish Solidarity Economy Network. (Cataluña, Aragón, Madrid, Navarra and Euskadi).

Madrid. 4 projects

  • Plataforma de Entidades de Voluntariado de la Comunidad de Madrid (Fevocam). Building active citizenship, volunteering relationship.
  • Federación Injucam para la promoción de la infancia y la juventud. Creating opportunities for political involvement.
  • Coordinadora Infantil y Juvenil de Tiempo Libre de Vallecas. Developing a quality network between associations of childhood and youth. .
  • FEAPS Madrid (Organización de entidades en favor de personas con discapacidad intelectual de Madrid). Central Purchasing. (Madrid, Castilla y León, Aragón, Cataluña and Galicia).

Comunidad Valenciana. 2 projects

  • Coordinadora Valenciana de ONGD. Promoting active citizenship in Comunidad Valenciana through awareness-raising, communication and open debate activities about social policies.
  • Federación Autonómica de asociaciones gitanas de la Comunidad Valenciana. Roma-nise you and participate.

Local Projects

Coruna Asturias Vizcaya Barcelona Valencia Murcia Sevilla

A Coruña

  • Ecos do Sur. AgraCivis project in Agra del Orzán neighbourhood (A Coruña).

Algemesí (Valencia)

  • Asociación H.N.P.A.F. Nuevo Futuro. Community Development Project “Sharing diversity, generating bonds”. Raval neighbourhood of Algemesí.


  • Asociación de Estudios Sociales por la Igualdad de la Mujer (AESIM). Red Sevilla Norte. Networking for future.

San Juan de Aznalfarache (Sevilla)

  • Asamblea de Cooperación por la Paz. Municipalities against racism, towns for inclusion.

Avilés (Asturias)

  • Asamblea de Cooperación por la Paz. Municipalities against racism, towns for inclusion.

Barakaldo (Vizcaya)

  • Fundación de Trabajadores de la siderurgia integral. eCitizen: Citizen empowerment based on local volunteers community. Barakaldo y Oslo.


  • Consell de la Joventut de Barcelona. Youth network against racism.
  • Nova-Centre per a la Innovació Social. Get active! If they stop you, don’t stop. Facilitating the political participation of youth in risk of social exclusion.

Sta. Coloma de Gramanet (Barcelona)

  • Creart. Coeducation and the attention to the diversity in public education, specifically in two educational centres in Santa Coloma de Gramenet.

Lorca (Murcia)

  • Cazalla Intercultural. Lorca Free.