Project grants under the EEA Grants are made available by national programme operators through calls for project proposals.You apply directly to the relevant programme operator in response to an open call. All projects awarded funding will need to contribute to achieving the defined outcome of the open call.
Call ABEL-Individual Mobility (ABEL-IM-2014B)
Deadline: 20 September 2014
Call for proposals addressed to individual mobility of researchers at different stages of their career, active in public and private universities or in public research institutions in Spain, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, within NILS Science and Sustainability programme.
Call for Applications Bilateral Relations
Deadline: 31 March 2015
Call for proposals addressed to fund bilateral relations activities within the frame of NILS Science and Sustainability programme.
Call for Proposals for Preparatory Visits
Deadline: June 30 2014
Call for proposals addressed to fund preparatory visits related to measures “Individual Mobility of Researchers” and “Coordinated Mobility of researchers”, within NILS Science and Sustainability programme.
Should you require any further information about open calls in other beneficiary countries:
Call for Proposals for Gender Equality
Deadline: May 27 2014
Convocatoria de subvenciones destinadas a la realización de actividades y proyectos relacionados con la promoción y desarrollo de acciones que fomenten la igualdad de género en el mercado laboral, el emprendimiento femenino, la conciliación de la vida laboral y personal, así como la inclusión sociolaboral de mujeres de grupos vulnerables, de conformidad con los criterios de publicidad, concurrencia y objetividad.
For further information:
Open Call and BOE