Mind the gap. Universidad San Pablo CEU. To contribute to the reduction of the pay gap between women and men to achieve a real equality productive system.
Action Equal Pay. Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras. To understand, develop and disseminate union strategies, mechanisms and tools to detect and combat the pay gap between women and men in business and workplace through union action and collective bargaining.
Tools to close the gender pay gap. Unión General de Trabajadores de España. Contribute to reducing the wage gap between women and men in business through collective bargaining.
Equal. Confederación española de la pequeña y mediana empresa (Cepyme). Contribute to the reduction of the pay gap between women and men in Spanish companies, identifying the factors that affect the structure of the salary compensation and disseminating of good practices in Spanish and Norwegian SMEs.
Equotel. Confederación española de hoteles y alojamientos turísticos. To find the causes of the pay gap and combat all gender discrimination in the tourism sector.
Selfemployment as a tool to close the gender pay gap. Federación Nacional de Asociaciones de Empresarios y Trabajadores Autónomos. To conduct a media campaign focused on the promotion of equal pay between men and women, focusing on entrepreneurship as a key tool for this.
Project Atalanta. Fundación José María de Llanos. To boost the personal, social and economic autonomy of vulnerable women and women from rural areas, in order to encourage the full integration processes into social and working contexts.
Being a businesswoman. Fundación Mujeres. To increase women's participation in entrepreneurship, addressing the entrepreneurial attitude from sustainability and competitiveness of enterprises created by women.
Emprende Plus. Federación de Mujeres Progresistas. Promotion of women entrepreneurship through continuous assessment of their business projects, while fostering women's associations and business networking.
Programme for female entrepreneurship. Asociación de trabajadoras y autónomas de Madrid. The analysis and exchange of best practices, and ongoing monitoring of program outcomes among institutions in Spain and Norway.
Comprehensive care for immigrant women. Asociación Cultural de Defensa de Valores Africanos (Acudeva). The project addresses the employment of immigrant women struggling through a vocational training program.
Project Mprende+21. Federación Española de Mujeres Directivas, Ejecutivas, Profesionales y Empresarias. The overall objective of this project is to create a network to provide a training and business itinerary that accompany and support female entrepreneurship, facilitating women's participation and gender equality in business.
Women creating employment. Unión de mujeres agricultoras y ganaderas. Activating support to entrepreneurs, from activities that foster the entrepreneurial spirit of women, incorporating the advice and support processes for generating business ideas.
Creating Equality. Ayuntamiento de Arganda del Rey. Contribution to improving the living conditions of women, from an idea of transformation, change and empowerment in employment and entrepreneurship.
Project E+E+100: Employment + Entrepreneurship +100% success. Fundación Madrina. To contribute to creating a sustainable living project on the beneficiaries, by encouraging the employability, access and retention in employment and / or self-employment of immigrant women mothers through a platform on-line optimization to promote an innovative distance learning for employment.
New initiatives and jobs for rural women. Unión de Centros de Acción Rural. To identify innovative experiences that can define a decisive action in favour of one of the most disadvantaged groups: rural women.
Spanish network of female entrepreneurs in rural areas. Federación de mujeres y familias del ámbito rural (AMFAR). To improve the social and labour situation of rural women, through programs and measures to promote the integration of women into the world of work, their permanence, facilitating the conciliation of work, family and personal life.
Training and empowerment of vulnerable women. Caritas Española. To provide an appropriate response to women who take on Caritas and with serious situations risk or social exclusion and employment by offering them a chance for their labour integration.
Emple@ Rural-Europ@. Federación de Asociaciones de Mujeres Rurales (Fademur). The design and implementation of personalized itineraries and accompanying measures to improve employability, access and retention in employment or self-employment of women in groups especially vulnerable.
Entrepreneuring together. Idealoga Intervención Comunitaria. To improve the employability and social conditions and quality of life of women over 45, immigrant women, women victims of domestic violence and / or women belonging to other groups in risk of exclusion.
MIDEM. Fundación Acción contra el Hambre. To promote social and labour inclusion of women from vulnerable groups.
Bringing jobs. Fundación Adecco. Guidance, training, job placement and insertion of beneficiaries of the project.
National campaing of employability for women in risk of social exclusion. Confederación Nacional Mujeres en Igualdad. To promote self-employment through training in worker cooperatives in women in groups vulnerable to social exclusion, for being a victim, an immigrant, from monoparental figure or belonging to rural areas with little socio-economic development, etc.
Women, driving forces for economic diversification in rural areas. Fundación Interuniversitaria Fernando González Bernáldez para los espacios naturales. The first diagnosis in Spain on the role of women in protected areas.
Empower-T. Coordinadora Estatal de Plataformas Sociales Salesianas. The labour integration of women belonging to groups of particular vulnerability.
RedEM+. Confederación Española de Personas con Discapacidad Física y Orgánica. To improve the position of women with physical and organic disability in the labour market through the definition and reinforcement of their skills and creating an innovative and sustainable channel for employability 2.0 to facilitate the connection between women themselves and employer firms.
Emplea Iguala. Asociación Mujeres Opañel. To promote the social and labour integration of women belonging to vulnerable groups, from the premise of employability development throughout life.
Programme Acceder Romi. Fundación Secretariado Gitano. To attract Roma women into the labour market and making work a real choice for all people by promoting employability, social inclusion and equality.
Innovative entrepreneurs TIC. Fundación Cibervoluntarios. To promote and make visible the entrepreneurship and innovation capacity of women through TIC projects with practical examples of women who are a benchmark in this field in different parts of Spain.
Integrated pathways to labour insertion for women in risk of social exclusion. Fundación y obra social y cultural Sopeña (OSCUS). Improving the employability of women at risk of social exclusion through comprehensive training and joint participation, as a channel to avoid situations of social exclusion.
Empowered women. Asociación de Mujeres Empresarias Iberoamericanas Pachamama. Promotion of equality between men and women in working life for immigrants.