Gender pay gap from another angle
On average, women earn 16% less than men in Spain. But, why such difference exists? And most importantly, what could be done to avoid it? A project from Universidad San Pablo CEU and the Association for the Rational planning of the Spanish work timetables (ARHOE), financed by the EEA Grants, is developing a comprehensive study of the situation and will propose measures to reduce inequality in Spain.
The project director, professor Juan Pablo Maldonado from Universidad San Pablo CEU, explains that “the project Mind the Gap for a equal productive system aims to contribute to the adjustment to the needs of our time, but not going down the simple road and challenging even the productive system”.
This project has two phases: a group of experts 'analysis (jurists, economists…) and a sociological study with in-depth interviews and focus groups in order to identify trends and good practices. The result will be a book about where are we in equality and what could be done to improve. However, the approach will be new thanks to the methodology used and an innovative approach from all possible angles.
“We want a book with a practical approach and measures for the companies to implement in order to eliminate, reduce or avoid the gender pay gap”, explains Paz Ulloa, technical assistance.
The project promoters are convinced of one thing: the key is to show what the companies are losing if the female talent is not utilised. But they are optimistic because “sexist companies are not competitive and are doomed to failure”.
Mind the Gap is one of the 61 projects selected within the Gender Equality Programme Open Call, operated by the Secretary of State for Social Services and Equality through the Women’s Institute and for Equal Opportunities. 10 million euros are granted through Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein funds (EEA Grants).