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National Focal Point Spain

I Forum Eje&Con

Sustainable projects

 Promociona project didn’t come to an end with the EEA Grants closing. The Spanish Association of Executives and Directors created by the projects’ participants is committed to carry its spirit and objectives forward. In September, the Association organized the I Financial Forum.


Promociona project success, one of the co-funded by the EEA Grants within the Gender Equality Programme, is not only reflected in the figures: 186 female participants in 3 editions, 26% of them being promoted within their companies. Success is also contributing to bring to the forefront the benefits of equality in business management, so the Spanish Women’s Institute and for Equal Opportunities have decided to continue with the project in a new edition 2016/2017.

But, above all, success is that the “Promociona spirit” will continue in the Association of Executives and Directors (Eje&Con), created in 2015 by 110 female participants in the project in order to raise the visibility of women on Boards and Steering Committees.

In September, the Association organized the I Financial Forum “The digitalization of the financial sector” in Madrid, where prominent experts assessed the crucial change the sector is facing. Eje&Con has now more than 200 partners “committed to diversity as growth driver”, in the words of Begoña González-Blanch from Ackermann Beaumont Group, in the forum opening, the first of many to come.

Gender Equality and Work-Life Balance programme has been managed by the Spanish Women’s Institute and for Equal Opportunities and co-funded with 10 million euros from the EEA Grants, which have contributed to the development of 70 projects benefitting more than 15,000 women in Spain.