Spanish Queen endorses Promociona project
Her Majesty the Queen of Spain chaired the seminar “Promociona, Women on decision-making positions”, which provides a strong boost to a project with excellent results that will continue beyond the EEA Grants.
From 2013, in four editions, almost 300 women from 200 companies have took part in Promociona Project, whose objective is to encourage, from business organizations, a higher number of women executives on Steering Committees and Board of Directors. The objective is being fulfilled, because 30% of female participants in the first two editions have already promoted within their companies. Besides, the project, developed by CEOE and co-financed by the EEA Grants, will continue beyond the end of the EEA Grants in Spain.
Her Majesty the Queen of Spain chaired the seminar “Promociona, Women on decision-making positions”, held on November 14th in BBVA premises, reaffirming her commitment with real equality.
In the seminar, it also took the floor the Spanish Minister of Health, Social Services and Equality, Dolors Monserrat, who rejected the ‘quotas’ system. “I support the objective of women not being quotas, that we will be able to manage 100% of the 50% that women represents in the world’s population. We don’t need quotas over this 50% we already represent”, explained. “A sustainable society cannot do without half of the human capital and talent”.
“We still have a very long way to go before women don’t have to work twice as hard to achieve only half”, concluded the Minister.
Main Spanish bank (BBVA) president, Francisco González, highlighted that “talent has no gender”, and CEOE’s president, Juan Rosell, pointed out that it is a fact that more women on decision-making positions means more innovative business and better labour climate.
Promociona project, co-financed by the EEA Grants during the three first editions, is part of the Gender Equality and Work-Balance Programme, operated by the Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality.
Through business training in ESADE, one-on-one tutorial assessment, mentoring and executive coaching, Promociona project aims at giving visibility and empowering highly qualified women, but also at involving companies in the necessary change to achieve gender equality on Boards. It is a question not only of social justice but also of economic profitability.