Mission accomplished
Spain will no longer be in receipt of the EEA Grants, but its imprint will remain. Period 2009-2014 has just finished with more than 400 projects developed in Spain by the Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein funds, but the number of beneficiaries is much higher.
2015 marked the completion of the EEA Grants 2009-2014 period and the results of the different programmes show that the set objectives have been reached and even exceeded. Figures say that more than 400 projects have been developed all over Spain funded by 42 million euros from the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism, which have contributed to reduce disparities but also to strengthen bilateral relations. 206 out of 412 projects developed have at least one donor project partner, 85% of them from Norway, building in many cases bonds that will likely remain.
Behind these figures there are thousands of beneficiaries’ stories. Such as the 46 female managers who have been promoted in their companies after taking part in the Promociona project, 25% until now of all the participants; or the 200 university students who have been studying in Norway and Iceland thanks to NILS programme in an experience described by one of them, Olga, as “unforgettable”; or the 115,000 direct beneficiaries of the 38 projects within the NGOs programme. Not to mention the hundreds of companies and scientific researchers that with their work and EEA Grants help are trying to build a more sustainable world.
The first results on the six areas funded:
-162 Spanish companies’ research projects in renewable, environment, energy efficiency or climate change fields.
-More than 120 NGOs joined in 38 projects to strengthen their crucial work with the most vulnerable.
-71 projects to foster female entrepreneurship, to promote women to decision-making positions or to fight against gender-based violence.
-28 projects to promote contemporary culture and to protect cultural heritage.
-200 Spanish students granted in Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein Universities.
-150 Spanish researchers working together with Nordic colleagues in such fields as medicine or biotechnology.
In some cases, these projects will continue, without the EEA Grants, but what is certain is that their effects will stand the test of time, especially because of the bonds created among Spanish companies and institutions and those from Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.